april 2024

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Abuse, Gen-Z Perspective, Healing, Mental Wellness, Relationships, Self-Love, Sexual Harassment, Trauma
Written By Kathryn Marsh, Prosecutor POV Content Warning: This article contains references of sexual assault & abuse. Please continue reading with care. Jane made it home. Her arms wrapped tightly around herself, just needing to hold herself together a little longer. Once she made it inside, she collapsed on the couch, in shock, in pain, […]

The #1 Micro-Trauma Every Human has Experienced: Childhood Emotional Neglect
Abuse, Depression, Healing, Inner Child Work, Mental Wellness, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Love, Trauma
Written By Tina Hamilton, The Healing Parenting Coach “If you want something to cry about, I’ll give you something!” “Big girls don’t cry!” “Go to your room until you can stop crying!” “You’re fine. Brush it off and get on up.” There isn’t an adult I talk to who hasn’t heard these words – or […]

Shaming Younger Generations Perpetuates Cycles of Trauma: Let’s Stop It and Focus on Empathy
By Jennifer Chesak In what I refer to as the “generation wars,” I frequently see memes from older generations that say, “We are not the same.” The memes are intended to shame younger generations. And my thought when I see these posts is, “Thankfully we are not the same, because I don’t want younger generations […]

I Can’t Believe I’m Not Dead: Escaping Abuse, a Cult, Attempted Murder and Other Insanities…A Story That Cannot Be True, But Is
Written by Kendra Petty I Can’t Believe I’m Not Dead. Seriously, I cannot believe it! I have escaped death on a number of occasions. It baffles me how many times I ended up in situations where I could have or should have died, and I didn’t. In addition to all the near-death experiences, I […]

Breath Work Basics for Healing
Dr. Randall Hansen, Ph.D. Does it sound odd talking about breath work when our breathing is handled automatically via our autonomic nervous system? And that’s exactly the point. Our breathing is automatic, yet we can control it as well. Thus when we discuss breath work exercises, we are focused on breathing exercises that are consciously […]